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The Practical Leader Training

From $5250 per attendee

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Available Courses

  • Houston

    9 September, 2024 - 13 September, 2024

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  • London

    14 October, 2024 - 18 October, 2024

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  • Dubai

    4 November, 2024 - 8 November, 2024

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Course Information

Day 1
Understanding Motivation
• Introduction – the context in which leaders operate
• The organisation’s definition of success
• What makes people try hard
• Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
• Pay, bonuses, incentives
• Formal and informal recognition systems
• Your own motivation
• Your relationship with your boss

Day 2
The Practices of Successful Leaders
• Getting the job done, personal relationships; team relationships
• Handling change
• Building a sense of pride and teamwork
• Building mutual trust
• Listening and questioning
• Empowerment
• Delegation
• Who gets the credit and who gets the blame?
• Dealing with aggression
• Running meetings

Day 3
Managing Performance

• Getting the objectives clear
• The daily activities
• The monthly activities
• The quarterly activities
• Annual activities
• Coping with forced ranking

Day 4
The Leader’s Role in The HR Interventions
HR is your friend and supporter, not your substitute
The role of HR compared to the role of the leader in:
• Recruitment
• Induction
• Handling disciplinary issues
• Handling grievances, disagreements and disputes
• Setting standards
• Improving attendance and timekeeping
• Equality and diversity
• Empowerment

Day 5
Developing Your Team and The People in It
• Providing development
• How people really develop; the 70/20/10 rule
• Dealing with ambition
• Handling requests for promotion

The Practical Leader Training Course

This course will show you what you should actually do hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month as a leader. Other training courses, which will teach you the theory of leadership, concentrating on style, vision, mission and values. This one will instead show you the practices you should adopt and the habits you should develop to succeed as a leader.
You probably already know what good leaders do. You will have experienced good leadership in others; you will also have encountered poor leadership. This programme will give you the confidence to do what you know is right in leading your team.

• Create a close, mutually trusting relationship with the people who work for them
• Motivate high performers to even higher levels
• Motivate mediocre performers
• Deal with under-performers in a positive, constructive way
• Operate a performance management process which really does manage performance!
• Agree objectives, give feedback, coach and appraise
• Delegate effectively and in particular, run meetings well
• Establish close links with the HR or Personnel Department to mutual advantage
• Deal with poor timekeeping and/or poor attendance
• Handle change effectively
• Avoid discriminatory practices, encourage an open and mutually trusting relationship
• Establish a close relationship with their own boss

Team Leaders, Supervisors, Superintendents, HR; ER or Personnel Staff, Training Officers, Anyone preparing for a leadership role

Continuing Professional Development