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Advanced Management Training

From $5250 per attendee

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Available Courses

  • Houston

    9 September, 2024 - 13 September, 2024

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  • Dubai

    7 October, 2024 - 11 October, 2024

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  • London

    2 December, 2024 - 6 December, 2024

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Course Information

Day 1
People Management

• The Importance of Sociotechnical Management
• Techniques for Effective Communication
• Motivating for Results
• Enhancing Your Coaching Skills
• Empowering Employees for Improved Performance
• Characteristics of a Successful Manager

Day 2
Leading Teams

• Obtaining The Benefits of Teamwork
• Characteristics of Ineffective Teams
• Characteristics of Effective Teams
• Managing Conflict in a Productive Manner
• Understanding Team Member Styles

Day 3
Strategic Planning

• Analysing The Strategic Planning Process
• Achieving Competitive Advantage
• Utilising Dynamic SWOT Analysis
• Focusing on Vision and Mission
• The Importance of Contingency Planning
• Examples of Strategic Success and Failure

Day 4
Negotiating For Results

• Gaining Insight into The Negotiating Process
• Characteristics of an Effective Negotiator
• Developing Negotiating Strategies
• Employing Persuasive Negotiating Techniques
• Achieving The Benefits of Effective Negotiating
• Negotiation Exercises

Day 5
Operational Excellence

• The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award-Standard of Excellence
• Lessons from the Best Performing Companies
• Benchmarking Your Operation Against the Best
• Creating Employee Commitment
• Managing Continuous Improvement
• Creating The High Performance Organisation

Advanced Management Training Course

In today’s world middle and senior level managers are faced with increasingly complex responsibilities. In order to meet this challenge they must be continually sharpening their management skills. This programme will focus on the management and leadership skills necessary for success in today’s fast changing business environment. In this programme you will learn how to:

  • Manage and motivate people more effectively
  • Create and harness the power of high performance teams
  • Understand and effectively utilise strategic planning techniques
  • Negotiate for positive results
  • Utilize the Baldrige performance criteria as a standard of excellence and benchmark for your organisation
  • Consider methods for improving management performance
  • Gain insights into the successful implementation of teams
  • Study the techniques of strategic planning
  • Develop their skills in the area of negotiating
  • Analyse the Baldrige award criteria for excellence
  • Examine the application of management best practices

This programme is specifically designed for professional in all areas of operations who seek to manage the process of change and improve the performance of their area of responsibility. It is an opportunity for all professionals to advance their ‘management thinking’ and keep abreast of the most modern concepts in management. It will be of benefit to all Professionals, who are:

  • Responsible for organizational improvement
  • Concerned with achieving standards of excellence
  • Interested in enhancing their management skills

Continuing Professional Development