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Subsea Systems Training

From $4650 per attendee

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Geological and geotechnical characterization

Seafloor improvement

Subsea system overview

Installation of subsea systems

Design of subsea systems

Behaviour of soils under cyclic loading and soil liquefaction (3 hours)

Fundamentals of soil-structure interaction

Fundamentals of limit state design

Statistical representation of soil data

Fundamentals of seismic design requirements

Subsea Systems Training Course

Subsea systems are subjected to harsh environmental conditions which make their construction and design challenging. The course initially provides a comprehensive review of geological and geotechnical characterization of the seafloor. Subsequently, the course focuses on the installation and design of subsea systems according to the international standards. Finally the course introduces basic seismic design requirements.

Design and contract engineers who are involved in offshore projects and have relevant experiences. Project engineers, Logistics managers, Finance controllers, safety officers and management persons of offshore companies will also benefiting from attending the course.


Basic knowledge of geotechnical engineering, offshore construction and design experiences.

Continuing Professional Development