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Remedial Cementing and Advanced Cement Evaluation Well Logging Training

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Course Information

โ€ข Diagnosis of current conditions using well logs, well tests and other relevant data
โ€ข Planning remedial operations
โ€ข Remedial/Squeeze cementing techniques and procedures
โ€ข Job evaluation using relevant data and well logs

Day 1
Primary Cement Job Problem Prevention
Observation, Causes and Remediation of Common Primary Cement Job Problems

Day 2
Planning and Performing a Remedial Cement Job
Fundamentals of Remedial Cementing
Cement Slurry Selection
Cementing Tools and Methods
Job Examples
Spacers and Flushes
Special Remedial Cementing Solutions

Day 3
Acoustic Cement Bond Logs
Conventional CBL
Cement Evaluation Segmented Bond Tool
Ultrasonic Cement Evaluation
Temperature Log
Radioactive Tracer Log
Challenges and Limitations of Tools
Future Trends in Tools and Interpretation

Remedial Cementing and Advanced Cement Evaluation Well Logging Training Course

The course will focus on planning and performing remedial cementing operations. Advanced cement evaluation logs are presented for evaluation of existing cement job conditions and log quality is explained to prevent the unnecessary expense of performing remedial operations where not required. Advanced sealing fluids and application technics are discussed. The course will include practical exercises and examples to enhance knowledge gained.

To provide attendees with a working knowledge of remedial cementing diagnosis, planning and job execution. Learning the practical application of different types of remedial cementing slurry, spacer and displacement fluid properties. Examples of cementing techniques and procedures. How to evaluate the current cement condition using all relevant data, computer software enhanced by advanced cement logging interpretation.

This short course is intended for Drilling, Completion and Production Engineers. Wellsite managers, Toolpushers, Service Company supervisors and Well logging analyst. Delegates should have a working knowledge of Primary Cementing.

Continuing Professional Development