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Coring and Core Analysis Training

From $4050 per attendee

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Course Information

• Introduction and summary of Core Analysis value
• The Coring process
• Core Handling Techniques
• Overview of sample preparation
• Saturation Determination
• Sample preparation and basic data acquisition (Conventional Core Analysis)
• Data Quality Control and Interpretation
Day 1
Introduction, Basics of Core Analysis
Coring and Wellsite: Coring Practices and Recommendations
Core Handling at Wellsite
Conventional Core Analysis Program Design
Review of Day 1
Day 2
Basic Core Handling: CT Scanning, Core Gamma, Pre-screening
Basic Core Handling: Sample Preparation, Cleaning and Drying Methods
Saturation Determination
Conventional Core Analysis: Porosity, Permeability
Review of Day 2
Day 3
Conventional Core Analysis: Overburden Effects
Conventional Core Analysis: Whole core analysis
Conventional Core Analysis: Probe Permeability, Cuttings analysis
QA/QC of Conventional Data
Course Review

Coring and Core Analysis Training Course

This course covers the introductory stages of current core analysis techniques, from the obtaining of core material through basic laboratory techniques, best practices and uncertainty in results. By the end of the course, the participant will be able to oversee the entire process from core retrieval through the handling process and initial data acquisition.

Any Geologist, Geophysicist, Reservoir Engineer or Petro-physicist who will be involved in designing core analysis programs or using data obtained from them.  Any person who will be carrying out the analysis. Any person who will be interpreting the results of the analysis.
Basic understanding of core analysis and the value of data obtained from it.

Continuing Professional Development