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Agile Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry Training

From $4050 per attendee

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Day 1

Agile Project Management Overview (Starting a Project)

Overview of the Agile Project Management

The Agile Project Cycle

Agile Roles & Responsibilities

Group Exercise: Building a Road Map, Iteration & Release Plan (we will use a simple O&G project as an example).

Communication, engagement, collaboration and participation – preparing the communication tools & techniques

Group Exercise: Building and using scrum meetings and communication radiators

Summary and Wrap up

Day 2

Project Planning & Execution

Building, controlling and reviewing sprints

Tracking costs, sprints & tasks

Using story boards, story maps, burn up and burn down charts.

Group Exercise: Building, using and interpreting story boards, story maps, burn up and burn down charts.

Summary and Wrap up

Day 3

Closing a Project

The agile project closing

Lessons learned & continues improvement

Group Exercise: Analyze the lessons learned from the project scenarios

Agile E2E (End to End) review process

Q & A

Agile Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry Training Course

This course integrates the Agile Project Management methodology to the Oil & Gas industry. Learners (project managers, sponsors, project engineers and the project team) will have the opportunity to discover how to implement agile project practices and apply sprints, product backlogs, histories, scrum meetings to a typical project in this industry area. Fast delivery, better communication & collaboration, cost management improvement and superior deliverables are typical results of using this methodology.

The objectives of this course are:

  • Identify the differences between an agile project and the way we are managing our projects today
  • Explain the Agile Framework, tools & techniques
  • Explain how to build an agile project
  • Evaluates the Agile project planning process
  • Determine how to deliver an Agile Project.
  • Evaluates the track and oversight of the agile scenario
  • Analyse the project closure process

This course is intended for traditional project managers, project engineers, project sponsors, and project stakeholders with general project experience.

Continuing Professional Development