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Foundations of Special Core Analysis – SCAL Training

From $5250 per attendee

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Course Information

Introduction and summary of Core Analysis value
The Coring process
Overview of sample preparation
Sample preparation and basic data acquisition (Routine Core Analysis)
Pre-screening of material, both whole core and samples for SCAL testing
All standard SCAL techniques: Electrical Properties, Capillary Pressure, NMR, Relative Permeability, Wettability
Data Quality Control and Interpretation, including integration of petrophysical results
Day 1
Introduction, Basics of Core Analysis
Coring and Wellsite:
Coring Recommendations
Basic Core Handling
Sample Preparation
Cleaning and Drying Methods
Conventional Core Analysis
Overburden Effects
Review of Day 1
Day 2
QA/QC of Conventional Data
SCAL Program Design
Sample pre-screening
Electrical Properties
Archie Equations
Porosity Exponent ‘m’
Saturation Exponent ‘n’
Excess Conductivity
Review of Day 2
Day 3
Capillary Pressure
Mercury Injection
Porous Plate
PSD determination
Application of Results
Wettability Concepts
Amott and USBM
Effect of Wettability
Relative Permeability
Single Phase Permeability
Unsteady State Relative Permeability
Steady State Relative Permeability
Centrifuge Relative Permeability
Review of Day 3
Day 4
Whole Core
Rock Mechanics
History Matching and Simulation
Unconventional Analysis
Review of Day 4
Day 5
QA / QC of Scal Data
Petrophysical Techniques
Thin Section
Integration of Results
Course Review

Foundations of Special Core Analysis – SCAL Training Course

This course covers a broad overview current Special Core Analysis techniques, from native state analysis, clean state and restored state analyses, best practices and uncertainty in results.
By the end of the course, the participant will be able to oversee the entire process from sample preparation through to data interpretation

Any Geologist, Geophysicist, Reservoir Engineer or Petro-physicist who will be involved in designing core analysis programs or using data obtained from them.
Any person who will be carrying out the analysis.
Any person who will be interpreting the results of the analysis.

Basic understanding of core analysis and the value of data obtained from it.

Continuing Professional Development