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Corrosion Control in the Oil and Gas Industry Training

From $3850 per attendee

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Available Courses

  • Houston

    19 August, 2024 - 22 August, 2024

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  • Dubai

    9 September, 2024 - 12 September, 2024

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  • London

    7 October, 2024 - 10 October, 2024

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  • Online

    18 November, 2024 - 21 November, 2024

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  • Aberdeen

    2 December, 2024 - 5 December, 2024

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Course Information

*Overview *Economics *Corrosion fundamentals   *Basic corrosion principles   *Forms of corrosion  *Corrosion aspects – oxygen,  hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, bacterial,   *Corrosion control – design, cathodic protection, materials selection, coatings and linings,  *Corrosion management,  *Corrosion failure analysis,   *Water chemistry,  * Group workshops,  *Quality assurance, *Corrosion samples,  *Corrosion under insulation,  *Pipelines and risers,  *Oil refining,  *Corrosion films,   *Computer software

Corrosion Control in the Oil and Gas Industry Training Course

Upon completion of this course, participants will gain an understanding of corrosion ramifications in oil production operations; how to recognize the various forms of corrosion attack; how to carry out a corrosion failure analysis; how to utilize the most appropriate method for corrosion control; how to adopt the most appropriate monitoring techniques and how to utilize the current information sources including current corrosion software.

This short course is intended for all engineers engaged in the oil and gas industry, in particular for those engineers involved with the inspection function and/or corrosion mitigation. Representatives of government agencies and insurance interests will also benefit as regulations relating to safe operation are very dependent on corrosion control.

Continuing Professional Development